Tuesday, February 28, 2012


This morning I had a meeting with Dr. Hager to discuss our paper that is due this week. After all my questions were answered we talked a little about the movie Aliens we are watching in class and Sigourney Weaver's role. This got me thinking. Throughout the whole first movie of Alien Weaver is coming into her own. She is defending what she thinks is right and basically kicking ass. The whole movie goes on this way up until the very end where Sigourney Weaver undresses in order to get into the hyper-sleep bed. The way this is done or the camera angles view shows Weaver in another 'light' than what she was being portrayed as throughout the whole movie.

I researched to try and find a clip of this scene, but unfortunately all I could find were clips that people had put in slow motion or zoomed up on. So nonetheless, you will need to venture out and look for that video if you would like.

It is interesting to me that 'Hollywood' seems to not be able to go a movie without a female/male strip-down. The Alien series still is a fun one to watch but I believe I wouldn't have had any criticism towards the first film if it hadn't been for that one scene.

Any-who, I did stumble across this video and I must say it is quite impressive.


I'd like to hear all your thoughts on Sigourney Weaver's character!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am totally all for Ripley in the movies. I loved Alien! Weaver kicked ass the whole. There was never a dull moment with her as the main star. She really gets into the character when she’s acting which makes the movie seem so much more real. And it’s nice to see an actress playing a tough role that isn’t a size 0, blonde with big boobs. I’m glad that Ripley isn’t supposed to be seen as a sex object in all of the movies. It is touching to see her play the “mother” role for Newt though in Aliens. Weaver is an incredible actress who deserves all the credit she gets. I have yet to see a movie of hers that wasn’t excellent. I also agree with how Hollywood makes movies. As the old saying goes, “sex sells.” People start to lose interest in movies if there isn’t some sex appeal from the lead. In this kind of movie though, the stripping wasn’t necessary at all. But, for some reason, it had to be added.

    I really the liked the video that you posted. It’s so cool to watch and see how they create the movie and how the aliens changed for the movies.

  3. I think it’s funny that you said the first movie ends with Weaver undressing for the sleep chamber because it pretty much starts the same way. All the people on the ship are in hyper sleep in their sleep clothing I guess, and she of course only has a bra for a top. I tried looking up scenes to see what the other three ladies were wearing because I don’t recall however almost all the clips were taken off you tube. You are very right about Hollywood needing those half naked scenes. I think for Ripley those scenes are the director’s way of showing us she is still a soft and easy on the eyes woman. You said the one half naked parts was in the end after she kicks butt and it shows her in a whole new light and I couldn’t agree more. I think they did the exact opposite with this movie by placing the half naked part in the beginning. This leads us to believe she is too womanly to perform the task at hand, which is what her teammates think, and so the director wants us to also feel what they are feeling. Its funny how Hollywood’s way of showing a woman as tough is by making her manly and gentile with nudity.

  4. John; I agree with you that it is nice and fitting to see Ripley's character in a mother role when it comes to Newt. It seems to come very easily and Weaver does a great job at this. Also, you are right, the saying of 'sex sells' will always be in the movies due to the necessity of keeping viewers engaged.
    Nikki; Yes, they do start the movie off waking up from hyper sleep in basically their underwear but I feel like this is captured in a different way from the ending scene of Ripley in the second film. Viewers see the team/group waking up as a whole and there are no tight shots on any one individual. I enjoyed reading your feedback and I agree with your idea on how Hollywood shows a woman as tough.

  5. Excellent discussion! I wonder if we might think about how clothing can serve as armor -- maybe now that Ripley is safe, she and Newt don't need that protection.
